That story you’ve been working on? It’s time to turn it into a book you can be proud of.
I believe every writer who sets out to write a story can get to The End.
It’s a long journey, filled with twists and turns and dead ends. It’s easy to get lost along the way. To doubt your mettle. But if you had the courage to start on this journey, then you have the courage to finish it.
You don’t have to go it alone.
With perspective and a plan, you can forge a path to a finished manuscript you can be proud of.
Three Ways to Work with Me
A quick snapshot of your work in progress. Using a tool called the Mini Blueprint, you’ll be able to see what you have so far, where you’re getting stuck, and what you need to do next to move forward. An evaluation of your first 30 pages will illuminate what’s working, what needs more development, and any patterns that might be getting in your way. It’s a great way to get your story on track and keep it on track.
This package includes:
Written feedback on your Mini Blueprint
Written feedback on your first 30 pages
One thirty minute call to discuss feedback, questions and concerns, and next steps
Cost: $199
A deep dive into your whole story – character development, setting, plot, and theme. You’ll get written feedback on what’s working, what needs development, and next steps. It’s a great way to get a fresh perspective on your story.
This package includes:
An editorial letter with feedback on what’s working, what needs development, and a revision plan to help you move forward
In-line comments on the critical first three chapters
One one-hour call to discuss feedback, questions and concerns, and next steps
Up to 50,000 words: $700
Up to 75,000 words: $950
Up to 100,000 words: $1,200
Over 100,000 words: contact me for a custom quote
Ongoing guidance and support as you work on your story. Accountability in the form of regular deadlines will keep you focused and on track. Specific, actionable feedback on what’s working and what needs development will keep your story moving forward. And empathetic encouragement from someone who understands the ups and downs of the writing process means you’re not writing alone anymore. It’s a great way to set your story – and yourself – up for success.
This package includes:
Month-to-month coaching
Regular deadlines and written feedback on what’s working, what needs development, and next steps
Coaching calls to discuss feedback, questions and concerns, and next steps
Unlimited email access to back-and-forth anything come up between calls
Cost: $500 a month
“Working with Erin on my manuscript has given me some much needed momentum and forward direction where I’d previously been stuck for months. Erin read deeply and thoughtfully, reread in response to my questions, and she offered uniquely tailored advice, resource suggestions, and back-and-forth conversation about the things I was stuck on. She also helped me to better understand some conflicting feedback I’d received in the past.”
Got questions?
I’ve got answers.
I work with Middle Grade, Young Adult, and select Adult. I love imaginative fiction in all its forms – fantasy, science fiction, myth and fairy tale, and all their hybrid combinations. And I love contemporary stories, especially coming-of-age stories.
Mostly, I love stories about becoming. Characters discovering, or rediscovering, who they really are, what they’re really meant to do in this world. Coming of age is something I believe we do again and again in our lives, not just once. If you have an adult book about becoming, I’d love to see it.
I’m not a good fit if you’re writing a book that would land specifically on a mystery, horror, or thriller shelf at the bookstore. But stories that contain elements of these are welcome.
I don’t work with AI-generated material. Why? Because I want to work with writers who are telling the stories of their heart and soul. The stories that burn so bright inside them they have no choice but to face the challenge of putting it on the page. Writing is, after all, an act of self-expression.
Writing a book is fun. It’s creative, engaging, fulfilling. It’s also a complex intellectual endeavor that requires you to carefully weave together character, plot, setting, and theme so it feels effortless to the reader.
But there’s nothing effortless about it.
As a book coach, I’m trained in the structure of stories. I understand how they’re put together. I can tease out the threads of character, plot, setting, and theme and see where they’re coming together and where there are holes.
But most importantly, I’m outside the story. You, as the writer, are immersed in your story. You know everything - every choice you’ve made, every scene you’ve kept or cut, every major and minor character’s backstory. It’s easy to lose perspective. To stop seeing the forest for the trees.
Having an outside reader come fresh to your story, with no prior knowledge or attachment, can help you see your story with new eyes. Having that outside reader be trained as a developmental editor and coach – like me – means you’ll get detailed, specific feedback on your work that will help you move forward with clarity and confidence.
As with anything, you get what you put into it. Stories take time to tell; there are no quick fixes. If you come with a growth mindset, are open to feedback and guidance, and prepared to devote the time and energy it takes to do the hard work of drafting and revision, your grasp of craft will deepen, your writing will improve, and your story will grow into the book it’s meant to be. And you will grow into the writer you’re meant to be.
I wish I could promise you a book deal! Or that you’ll land an agent. Or that your book will sail to the top of best seller lists. The publishing world just doesn’t work that way. Luck and timing play a huge role in whether a book gets picked up by a publisher. And I can’t promise that you’ll get to The End during our time together. Stories take the time that they take; there’ no rushing them.
What I can promise you is that I will work hard to help you bring the story in your heart onto the page. That I will respect your voice and authority as the storyteller. That I will deliver my feedback with clarity, honesty, and kindness. That I will be there for you as a resource and as an empathetic ear you draft and revise. That I will always leave you with a plan to keep moving forward. And that I will be cheering for you as you write your way to The End.
For established clients who have manuscripts I believe are ready to query, I do offer pitch package services. This includes writing the query letter, preparing the synopsis, and developing an agent list and pitch strategy.
At this time, I do not offer pitch package services to writers who are not established clients. Why? Because in order to be an effective coach, I need to have deeply read your manuscript and determined it was structurally sound and in good enough shape to query. Otherwise, I have no idea if you’re really ready to query, or if your query letter really reflects your story.
If you’re wondering if you’re ready to query, check out my Full Manuscript Evaluation package. You’ll get a full developmental edit of your story, which includes an editorial letter laying out what’s working and what needs development, in-line comments in your critical first three chapters, and a one-hour phone call to discuss feedback and next steps – including whether or not you’re ready to query
No. As a developmental editor, my focus is on the structure of your story – the underlying architecture of character, plot, setting, and theme.
A copyeditor generally focuses on line-by-line editing and polishing; they’re assuming the writer has done the work to make the story structurally sound before engaging them.
A proofreader is generally focused on grammar; they, too, are assuming the writer has done the work to make the story structurally sound before engaging them.

Ready to get started?
I can’t wait to hear from you.
Not quite ready for coaching?
Check out my Ordinary Day to Extraordinary Story Workbook. It'll help you get the clarity you need on your manuscript in three steps.